Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne rosacea and birth control pills, help acne

Well Acne is not a major disease. It can be cured with many medicines, But acne is the ongoing process. Bu all these Acne treatments work by preventing new acne breakouts. I said you before itself there are many treatments. But don't ever try to take very powerful medicines. There are many antibiotics which can cure acne with in 1 week. But these medicines will be having many side effects. Well if your Acne treatment is not cured with in 3 months then your treatment should be changed. Always follow dermatologist and follow his advice.
Thankfully, there are natural ways to fight acne. Many people do not realize that they can treat their breakouts right in their own home without having to seek the guidance and medication from a doctor.
The good news is that it is possible to prevent acne naturally. But that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with taking a trip to the pharmacy for a little help now and then. Many of the commercial skincare products are actually quite effective. But it is not recommended that you use them for long periods of time because the side effects of long-term use may be just as enduring as the acne.
tags: whats the best treatment for back acne, clinique acne spray for back acne does it work, long-term pills for acne

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