Monday, August 4, 2008

Face,back,and chest acne treatment and over the counter back acne treatment

1. Try this effective home remedy for acne: toothpaste. Apply toothpaste on the zit. The toothpaste will dry up the acne quickly and without causing further irritation to your skin. Apply toothpaste on your acne right before you go to bed. The blemish should be smaller in size or is completely gone the next morning.
Chasteberry - If you are a woman and your acne has a hormonal link, chasteberry might be just the thing for you. Chasteberry has a long tradition of balancing women's hormone problems. Chasteberry can regulate the higher progesterone levels that are related to acne outbreaks. Chasteberry may be called for if your acne occurs along with PMS and if acne reappears as you enter menopause.
Up to thrice a day, in accordance with the requirement, a single pump of the formula can be applied to the affected area and massaged well so that it is absorbed in the skin. Before application, the skin should be cleansed properly. The appearance of acne scars is specifically sought to be improved through the formulation that has been prepared for this product. It is not quite as well known as some of the other acne scar removal products, but is very useful for the purpose.
tags: can zoloft cause acne, clear acne and stop unwanted hair growth, acne if doxycycline doesn't work

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